RC Restructuring is dedicated to providing robust practical advice to our clients, guiding them towards solutions tailored to their specific needs.


Whether it be solvent, insolvent, voluntary or creditor-driven, RC Restructuring focuses on implementing the right solutions to achieve the best outcome for all parties involved


If your business needs help to communicate positively with stakeholders and financial partners, RC Restructuring can help you to partner with them to move your business forward


RC Restructuring enables secured lenders to resolve issues where there is a clear need for intervention

  • "I was introduced to Rhys during an extremely difficult time in my life. A time where it was obvious I required professional assistance. Thank goodness for this meeting. Rhys navigated a very complicated situation with grace, skill, confidence, professionalism and kindness. I instantly felt the situation had shifted from chaos to one of solutions and a pathway to closure. His incredible wealth of knowledge, extensive skill base, calm and patient nature also contributed greatly to his professional effectiveness. I found Rhys to have a strong moral and ethical compass, which underpinned how he worked and why he took the approaches he did. His kindness and empathy, not only around my anxiety but the staff's as well, were of incredible comfort and so invaluable at a time of great stress. To be cognizant of the importance of business and people, is something to be greatly valued. He listened to my opinions and responded with considered feedback. He ensured that his communication was clear and concise and was always open to questions. Couple all of the above with a great sense of humour, you have a person whom I am eternally grateful for and respectful of".

    Comments from Company Director (Anonymous)

  • "Liquidation was a difficult and mentally challenging decision for us. Rhys immediately put us at ease, took all pressure off, gave assurance that he would be able to work through all issues. We left the meeting reassured that we made the right decision and that a huge weight had been lifted. Open and honest communication. Good and hard messages delivered well, clear and in good style. Working in partnership with us – very appreciative. We have recommended Rhys’ liquidation services to others. We are very complimentary of the work done and the way Rhys achieved the outcomes".

    Comments from a Company Director (anonymous)

  • Rhys is a true insolvency specialist with a career spanning from public office to top tier insolvency firms, he has a wealth of knowledge, solid business connections and a practical and commercial instinct. Rhys is able to get to the heart of an issue and provide a robust and workable strategy

    Comments from a Partner – Banking, Financial Services and Insolvency
